Watch the overview video of the amazing Cloud Lesson adaptive learning and assessment platform. Create your own test with advanced data mining. A must see for all schools.
Remember, A CloudLessons Subscription Is For The Entire School.
Step 1
Click on the link "School Request." Fill out submit the required fields.
Step 2
CloudLessons will generate an invoice and a payment link to your school. Once payment is received, CloudLessons will set up a dedicated host for your school.
Step 3
Once your school's dedicated host site is ready, then you can select your school will be available in a drop-down menu in "School Signup." Click the link "School Signup" and complete all the required fields. Now your school is ready to go.
To access Cloudlessons, the principal or member of the admin team must create an account. View the video demonstration "Admin creating an account".
A teacher needs to create their account which includes their school's secret password. View the video demonstration "Teacher creating an account."
Their teachers create student accounts. View the video demonstration "Creating a student account."
Login to the principal/admin account: - Click the check button, create class. - Click on a teachers name and then press the right arrow so the name appears in the right column. - In the field create class, write the name of the class then click the button create. View the video demonstration "Creating and assigning teachers to classes."
When a class has been created, one teacher has already been assigned to the class. More teachers can be assigned by: - click on the check button, assign teacher. - select the class from the dropdown list - tick the boxes in the left column of teachers - pressing the right arrow, the teachers being assigned to the class will now appear in the right column. - Click the button down the bottom, assign teachers. View the video demonstration "Creating and assigning teachers to classes."
Log in with a teacher account:
- Click Test in the menu at the top
- Now click attachments
- Click the button, add attachments and upload attachments from your computer.
- Rename the attachment for later use
View the video demonstration "Adding and using attachments"
Cloning a test allows teachers to copy an existing test and then customise the cloned test by adding, deleting or editing existing questions.
View the video demonstration "Cloning tests"
Many questions can be computer marked by the software. However, some questions will need to be marked by a teacher. View the video demonstration " Teacher marking a test."
A button in the teacher's menu called run test so teachers can view the questions that are going to be in the test. View the video demonstration "Run class test"
If a test has a large bank of questions it may be necessary for a teacher to turn those questions off that they do not want to appear in the test and turn on the questions they do want to be in the test. View the video demonstration "Turning questions on or off."
Adaptive tests means when a student answers a question incorrectly, they will get that exact question as part of the next test. Meaning, each student will likely have a different set of questions in the following test. View the video demonstration "Adaptive tests."
A basket of questions are similar questions that are testing the same skill group together in what we call a basket of questions? View the video demonstration "Basket of questions."
Students log in with their detail and select the test assign to them by their teacher. View the video demonstration "Student answering questions."
Copy and paste code for maths fonts
Greek | Copy and Paste |
α alpha |
\alpha |
β beta | \beta |
γ gamma | \gamma |
δ delta |
\delta |
ε epsilon | \epsilon |
ζ zeta | \zeta |
Copy and paste code for maths fonts
Greek | Copy and |
\alpha |
β beta | \beta |
γ gamma | \gamma |
δ delta |
\delta |
ε epsilon | \epsilon |
ζ zeta | \zeta |
Font |
Code |
× |
\times |
÷ |
\div |
+ |
+ |
= |
= |
≠ |
\neq |
– |
- |
± |
\pm |
≡ |
\equiv |
< |
< |
> |
> |
≤ |
\leq |
≥ |
\geq |
Write text |
\text{write text} |
red text |
\color{red} {\text{red text}} |
Insert a spcace |
\, |
Insert a line break |
\\ |
(a+b)×2(c+d)= |
(a+b)\times2(c+d)= |
x² |
x^{2} |
y³ |
y^{3} |
\frac{x^{2}}{y} |
(x² + y³) |
(x^{2}+y^{3}) |
\sqrt[2]{x} |
-x+\sqrt{x^2-4yz} |
\frac{\sqrt{x^2-4y}}{2y} |
\frac{-x\pm\sqrt{x^2-4yz}}{2y} |
\frac{ab}{cd} |
f’ |
f^{\prime} |
\lg{ab} |
\left(\begin{array}{c}a\\ b\end{array}\right) |
\begin{bmatrix}a & b \\c & d \end{bmatrix} |
\int_{a}^{b} |
α |
\alpha |
π |
\pi |
β |
\beta |
\cos |
() |
\left(\right) |
{} |
\left\{\right\} |